System FrontPage

After login to the portal, the below FrontPage will appear:

Through this screen you can do the following:

  1. Edit Profile: this is to edit your profile information.

  2. Navigation List: enables you navigate easily between the main portal pages.

  3. Channels List: enables you to view and navigate through channels

  4. Latest uploaded videos: displays the last 5 recently uploaded public or shared videos

  5. Videos Navigator: enables you to be up-to-date with the most recent and trending videos.

  6. Customize FrontPage: this is to customize the layout of your portal FrontPage.

  7. Search – Displays the list of channels and Leaderboard, you can search the portal for some content by entering keywords in search box and hitting enter or clicking search icon

  8. Notifications / Alerts: This feature is work in progress currently.

  9. Main Menu: click on this icon and then select the required option from the drop-down menu.

  10. Record: click on this button to start video recording studio.

  11. Upload: click on this button to upload a video.

  12. Invite Team: you can use this option to invite other company employees from your team / company to join your CircleHD portal.


After login to the portal, the below FrontPage will appear:

  1. Home - Default page is Home page.

  2. View Video - Open a video and it opens View page where video is played.

  3. Search - Search option helps to find a video by name or description.

  4. Continue Watching - It is a home page section where frequently watched videos are listed.

  5. Channels - It opens the Channels Module where videos are categorized by Channels.

  6. Playlists - It opens the Playlists Page where Assigned Playlists or Library Playlists are visible.

  7. Podcast - It opens the Podcast Module where all podcast shows and episodes are listed.

  8. My - Here user is able to access the Account details, Favorites, My Uploads, Watch History and Settings.

Last updated