How to attempt an assigned quiz?

1- Click on “Playlists” in the left vertical menu. This will load all the playlists added in the Library. Here all the assigned playlists are listed.

2- Click on an assigned playlist to attempt the quiz. View playlist page is opened. Here click on Start Quiz button to attempt the quiz.

3- Once quiz is started, you can see all the optional questions and select the answers.

4- Once you select all the answers and click on Submit Answers button, Score screen is visible.


1- Open the Playlist from the bottom horizontal menu.

2- 'Assigned' tab shows the list of all the Playlists which are assigned to the logged in user. Touch on a assigned Playlist.

3- Here Playlist content is visible. User can open the next video using Next button. If a quiz is created in a playlist, 'Start Quiz' button appears in the last video page. User can attempt the quiz using 'Start Quiz' button.

4- Various questions can be appeared in a quiz. There are objective questions created in a quiz. If a question has multiple answers, mutiple options can be selected.

5- Regular question has one answer.

6- When user submits answers, Quiz result is visible at last.

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