How to Manage Portal Media?

You can manage portal media files easily by editing, downloading, deleting, adding to a playlist, and check the total views.

To open media manager page, click on the [Media Manager] option in the drop-down menu.

The below media manager page will be opened:

In the media list you can see for each file the Title, Uploader, Uploaded date, Channel, Duration and views.

1- Use the search text box [1] to search and filter the media files list

2- Select one or more media files from the list, then click on the "Edit" button [2] to edit all selected media files

3- Select one or more media files from the list, then click on the "Delete" button to delete all selected media files.

4- Select one or more media files from the list, then click on the "Download as CSV" button to download the media files information as CSV file.

5- Select one or more media files from the list, then click on the "+ Playlist" button to add the selected media files to a specific playlist or create a new playlist for them.

6- Use the list filters to filter the media files list by Channel, Uploaded Date, Duration and Views columns.

7- Use Change Owner option to change the owner of a video or multiple videos.

8- All Deleted media(s) ar visible in Deleted Tab.

Deleted Media(s) can be Restored or deleted permanently by their respective options.

Last updated